Cumbemayo Marvels: Unraveling the Stone Forest

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Step into a world of geological wonders at Cumbemayo, where the rocks tell stories of ancient civilizations. This archaeological site, located in northern Peru, is home to a fascinating system of canals carved into the rock, which date back over a thousand years. The tour will take you through these intricate water channels, often referred to as the Aqueducts of Cumbemayo. Learn about the engineering skills of the pre-Inca cultures that created this impressive network. With the breathtaking natural beauty surrounding you, you'll feel like you've traveled back in time.

Kaj je vključeno

  • Tourist mobility
  • Official Tourism Guide

Kaj ni vključeno

    Kaj ni vključeno
    • Food and drinks
    • Entrance park fees - 8 Soles

    Dodatne informacije

    Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Svojo vstopnico imejte s sabo ob obisku znamenitosti.

    Upoštevajte, da lahko ponudnik vaš obisk odpove v primeru nepredvidenih okoliščin.

    Za opravljanje rezervacije morate biti stari najmanj 18 let, znamenitost pa lahko mladoletniki obiščejo v spremstvu odrasle osebe.

    Upravljavec IZI PERU

    Načrt poti


    Lokacija odhoda
    Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca, Jr del Batán, Central, Cajamarca, 06001
    We meet at the Main Square of Cajamarca : Plaza de Armas
    Kraj povratka
    Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca, Jr del Batán, Central, Cajamarca, 06001

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