Cumbemayo Marvels: Unraveling the Stone Forest

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Step into a world of geological wonders at Cumbemayo, where the rocks tell stories of ancient civilizations. This archaeological site, located in northern Peru, is home to a fascinating system of canals carved into the rock, which date back over a thousand years. The tour will take you through these intricate water channels, often referred to as the Aqueducts of Cumbemayo. Learn about the engineering skills of the pre-Inca cultures that created this impressive network. With the breathtaking natural beauty surrounding you, you'll feel like you've traveled back in time.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Tourist mobility
  • Official Tourism Guide

Kas nav iekļauts

    Kas nav iekļauts
    • Food and drinks
    • Entrance park fees - 8 Soles


    Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Lūdzu, neaizmirstiet uz aktivitāti paņemt līdzi savu biļeti.

    Ņemiet vērā, ka aktivitātes nodrošinātāji var atcelt aktivitātes neparedzētu iemeslu dēļ.

    Rezervējumu var veikt personas, kas ir sasniegušas 18 gadu vecumu. Nepilngadīgas personas var apmeklēt aktivitāti pieaugušā pavadībā.

    Nodrošina IZI PERU

    Informācija par maršrutu

    Atrašanās vieta

    Atiešanas vieta
    Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca, Jr del Batán, Central, Cajamarca, 06001
    We meet at the Main Square of Cajamarca : Plaza de Armas
    Ekskursijas beigu punkts
    Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca, Jr del Batán, Central, Cajamarca, 06001

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