The best of Trujillo walking tour

عرض جميع الصور (3)

Together with the professional guide, you will visit the most charming places in the city. You will have a chance to explore the city, while hearing fascinating facts and legends. How did the ancient civilization manage to build the biggest in the world pyramids of adobe and clay? What was the city's biggest threat in the 16th century after earthquakes? Why once Peru’s capital and most powerful city is not the capital anymore? You will be surprised how many stories are hidden in the streets, buildings and corners of Trujillo. Your charming guide will tell you what is special and unique about living in this city. Perfect for those who are visiting the city for the first time and want to get the most of it!

* You will be guided by a local charismatic guide

* You will hear the stories and legends of the city

* You will visit the charming places

يشمل الحجز

  • Professional local guide services

معلومات إضافية

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Public transportation options are available nearby

Not wheelchair accessible

يرجى إحضار تذكرتك معك إلى المعلم السياحي.

يرجى الملاحظة أنه يجوز للمشغلين إلغاء الحجز لأسباب غير متوقعة.

يجب أن تكون بالغاً من العمر 18 سنة أو أكثر لإجراء الحجز.

إدارة Peru

معلومات حول مسار رحلتك

الموقع الجغرافي

موقع المغادرة
Trujillo Cathedral Basilica, Jr. Orbegoso 451, Centro Historico, Trujillo, 13001
By the entrance of Trujillo Cathedral Basilica (Trujillo 13001, Peru)
موقع انتهاء الجولة
Trujillo Cathedral Basilica, Jr. Orbegoso 451, Centro Historico, Trujillo, 13001

الأسئلة المتكررة

هل ترغب في تقديم اقتراح ما؟

التذاكر والأسعار