Romantic tour in Tauranga

يتوفر خيار الإلغاء المجاني

An exclusive tour for all the romantics of the world! Together with the professional local guide, you will visit the most romantic places in the city. Did you know The lush parks and golden beaches of Tauranga make a popular destination for lovers? You will feel spellbound in a charming atmosphere. What is considered as one of the best places to have a date in the city? Where can you make lovely photos? You will be surprised how many historical love stories are hidden in the streets, buildings, parks of the city. From heartbreaking and tragic, to the hilarious or spicy ones. What is so special about the mount of Maunganui? Why is it considered a favorite spot for couples? Tauranga has a good mix of modern amenities and nature, making it a favourable place to explore with your loved one. Many festivities take place on and around the main beach in the north of the suburb. This tour is especially recommended in the Saint Valentine period!

يشمل الحجز

  • Professional local guide services

معلومات إضافية

Public transportation options are available nearby

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

يرجى إحضار تذكرتك معك إلى المعلم السياحي.

يرجى الملاحظة أنه يجوز للمشغلين إلغاء الحجز لأسباب غير متوقعة.

يجب أن تكون بالغاً من العمر 18 سنة أو أكثر لإجراء الحجز.

إدارة New Zealand

معلومات حول مسار رحلتك

الموقع الجغرافي

موقع المغادرة
19 Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem Rd 19, Bethlehem, Tauranga, 3110
The main Entrance of Columbus Coffee
موقع انتهاء الجولة
Tauranga, Tauranga
The guide will tell you this information at the beginning of the tour.

الأسئلة المتكررة

هل ترغب في تقديم اقتراح ما؟

التذاكر والأسعار