The Best of Tauranga Walking Tour

عرض جميع الصور (9)
يتوفر خيار الإلغاء المجاني

With a professional guide, you will visit the most charming places in the city. You will have a chance to explore the city while hearing fascinating facts and legends. Why is Tauranga known as a lifestyle and tourism destination? Tauranga has many outlying islands and reefs, which make it a notable tourist destination for traveling scuba divers and marine enthusiasts. You will be surprised how many stories are in hidden streets, buildings, and corners of Tauranga. Your charming guide will tell you what is special and unique about living in this city. It is perfect for people visiting the city for the first time and who want to get the most out of it.

* A local and charismatic guide will guide you.

* You will hear the stories and legends of the city.

* You will visit charming places.

يشمل الحجز

  • Professional local guide services

ما لا تشمله

    لا يشمل الحجز
    • The Elms Admission fee
    • Brain Watkins House Museum (Tauranga Historical Society) Admission fee

    معلومات إضافية

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Not wheelchair accessible

    يرجى إحضار تذكرتك معك إلى المعلم السياحي.

    يرجى الملاحظة أنه يجوز للمشغلين إلغاء الحجز لأسباب غير متوقعة.

    يجب أن يكون عمرك 18 عاماً أو أكثر لإجراء الحجز أو أن تكون برفقة شخص بالغ.

    إدارة New Zealand

    معلومات حول مسار رحلتك

    الموقع الجغرافي

    موقع المغادرة
    The Elms | Te Papa Tauranga, Mission St 15, Tauranga, 3110
    موقع انتهاء الجولة
    Brain-Watkins House Museum & Hall Hire, Cameron Rd 233, Tauranga, 3110
    The guide will tell you this information at the beginning of the tour.

    الأسئلة المتكررة

    هل ترغب في تقديم اقتراح ما؟

    التذاكر والأسعار