Lofoten Fishing Trip

A fishing trip in Lofoten on a comfortable boat with a local guide

Durada: 3 hores

This experience will offer you the chance to try your hand at fishing on a comfortable boat while enjoying the Arctic seascapes in the district of Lofoten. Your local guide will provide you with all the fishing gear you need and teach you how to fillet a fish on board. As you admire the scenery while sipping your coffee, your guide will provide insights into the local environment, Vestfjorden's marine life and the fishing industry in Lofoten.

Per què anar-hi?

  • Chance to go on a fishing trip in Lofoten with a local guide
  • Opportunity to admire the Arctic seascapes on a comfortable boat
  • Insights into the local environment and Vestfjorden's marine life

Què inclou?

  • Fishing equipment
  • Food and drinks
  • Guide services

Informació addicional

The weather conditions in Vestfjorden can change quickly. Please wear clothing considering the cold weather, wind and rain.

This tour can accommodate a maximum of 12 participants.

Please note that the tour provider will take you to the best fishing areas but can't guarantee you will catch a fish.

Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

Gestionat per World Sea Explorers


Punt de trobada
Svolvaer, 8300
Meet your guide at the Public Pier service house, where the S/Y Stella Oceana is docked.

Preguntes freqüents

Digue'ns com ho estem fent i què podríem millorar

Tiquets i preus