Cheese Tasting and Clog Tour in Volendam

A tour to learn more about traditional clogs and local cheese in Volendam

5 · Відмінно(8 відгуків)
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Тривалість: 1 год. - 2 год.

This tour in Volendam starts with a chance to take a group photo wearing traditional Dutch costumes, such as baggy trousers for men and a pointed bonnet for women paired with wooden clogs.

After you’ve taken your souvenir photo, your experienced guide will take you on a guided tour to learn more about clog and local cheese making. The experience ends with Dutch cheese, biscuits and a local fruit wine tasting session in the clog factory shop.

Чому варто відвідати

  • Chance to get a group photo wearing traditional Dutch costumes
  • Guided tour to learn more about traditional clog and cheese making
  • Tastings of local cheese, biscuits and fruit wine

Що включено

  • One group photo in Dutch clothing
  • A 15x23 cm group photo print per person
  • Traditional biscuits
  • Cheese tasting
  • Fruit wine tasting

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Additional photos
    • Additional food and drinks

    Додаткова інформація

    Please note that De Simonehoeve opening hours are:

    September till March from 8:30–17:00.

    April till August from 8:30–18:00.

    Tours are available every 30 minutes daily.

    Please note that you can bring your own items to use as props during the photoshoot.


    Cheese Tasting and Clog Tour in Volendam
    Wagenweg 2, Volendam, 1145 PW
    Meet your guide at the Simonehoeve cheese farm and clog factory.

    Оцінки відвідувачів

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