The Story of Edam Cheese Museum Admission

A chance to explore a museum dedicated to Edam cheese

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This ticket will give you admission to The Story of Edam Cheese museum. With the assistance of an audio guide, you'll be able to explore the museum and learn about the history of Edam cheese. At the end of the tour, you will have the opportunity to sample a selection of locally-produced cheeses.

Razlozi za posjet

  • A chance to visit a museum dedicated to Edam cheese
  • An opportunity to sample locally-produced cheeses
  • Insight into the history of Edam cheese

Što je uključeno

  • Admission
  • Audio guide
  • Cheese tasting

Jezici s dostupnim audiovodičem

English (UK)

Dodatne informacije

Free parking is available for four hours. Please put the blue parking disc in the window of your car.

Admission is based as per time slots. A maximum of five visitors may enter every 15 minutes.

The museum is wheelchair accessible.

Molimo vas da za posjet atrakciji ponesete svoju ulaznicu.

Imajte na umu da pružatelji usluge mogu otkazati iz nepredviđenih razloga.

Za rezervaciju trebate imati najmanje 18 godina ili biti u pratnji odrasle osobe za posjet atrakciji.

Voditelj usluge Henri Willig Kaas BV


The Story of Edam Cheese Museum Admission
Spui 9, Edam, 1135 BA
Please present your voucher at the ticket counter before entering the museum.

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