With this ticket, you’ll gain access to the Solaniwa Onsen spa theme park. You’ll get the opportunity to experience total relaxation as you visit a serene Japanese garden and spend time in one of the several outdoor baths with natural hot spring water.
You’ll also be able to enjoy traditional Japanese body care services as well as modern beauty procedures. In addition, you’ll have the chance to taste a variety of Japanese dishes at the restaurant and sample sake at the bar.
- Wheelchair accessible
- This activity is not suitable for pregnant people.
Dodatečné informace
K návštěvě turistické atrakce si nezapomeňte přinést lístek.
Mějte na paměti, že provozovatelé mohou konání zrušit z důvodu nepředvídaných okolností.
Turistickou atrakci smí rezervovat pouze osoby ve věku 18 let a starší. Zúčastnit se mohou i mladší osoby, ale pouze v doprovodu dospělého.
Children aged 0 to 3 years can participate for free.
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