On this tour, you'll discover the prehistoric rocky settlements of Matera. With your guide, you'll go through different alleys, rock churches and cave dwellings while learning about the city's past.
You'll make a stop at Piazza San Francesco d’ Assisi, a Baroque-style church, and then walk to one of the highest points in the city. As you wander around the winding lanes, you'll reach Via Fiorentini and visit the rock church of Sant'Antonio Abate.
You'll get an insight into the Church of San Pietro Caveoso while passing through Via Madonna delle Virtù and Porta Pistola. The tour will round off at Piazzetta Pascoli where you can take in the panoramic views of the Sassi.
투어 매력 포인트
- Chance to explore the ancient region of Matera
- A visit to the rock church of Sant'Antonio Abate
- A walk along the meandering streets of the city
- Guide services
- Admission to the Rock Church and Casa Grotta
가이드 지원 언어
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운영 Agenzia Martulli Viaggi