Cesarine is an Italian network of home cooks who open their private kitchens to guests for a unique culinary experience. You’ll be able to taste authentic local cuisine, cooked just for you by a Cesarina home cook. The Cesarina will show you how your meal is prepared, and invite you to join in the process.
Your four-course meal will consist of an appetiser, first course, second course with a side dish and dessert. A selection of Italian wines, water and coffee will also be included.
Razones para ir
- Chance to try Ligurian food at an Italian cook's home
- A live cooking demonstration and recipes for local dishes
- Four-course meal with Italian wine and coffee
¿Qué incluye?
- Four-course lunch or dinner
- Drinks (water, wines and coffee)
- Live cooking demo
Información adicional
Favor de traer tu boleto contigo a la actividad.
Ten en cuenta que el operador puede cancelar por motivos no previstos.
Para reservar necesitas tener mínimo 18 años o ser acompañado por un adulto.
Gestionado por Le Cesarine