Dining Experience at a local's Home in Catanzaro with Show Cooking

Rodyti visas nuotraukas (7)
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Immerse yourself in a private dining experience at a local's home, enjoy an exclusive show cooking and taste authentic recipes from Varese treasured in family cookbooks passed down by real Italian Mammas. Feel the warmth of Italian hospitality as you connect with local people.

Enjoy a 4-course menu including starter, pasta, main course with side dish, dessert with drinks included (water, selection of red and white wines from regional cellars and coffee).

This experience is held by Cesarine: Italy’s oldest network of home cooks all over the country in more than 500 cities. They are passionate and welcoming hosts that open the doors of their own homes to curious travellers for immersive culinary experiences.


  • Beverages (water, wines and coffee)
  • Private 4-course dinner or 4-course lunch
  • Private show cooking

Papildoma informacija

Public transportation options are available nearby

Not wheelchair accessible

Nepamirškite atsinešti bilieto.

Turėkite omenyje, kad teikėjai gali atšaukti veiklą dėl nenumatytų priežasčių.

Užsakyti gali asmenys nuo 18 m. amžiaus. Jaunesnius asmenis turi lydėti suaugusysis.

Paslaugą teikia Cesarine: Cooking Class


Išvykimo vieta
Catanzaro, Catanzaro, 88100
The meeting point of this experience will be your Cesarina home and, for privacy reason, you will receive the full address of your Cesarina host after you have booked. We will contact you after you've booked to match you up with your ideal Cesarina based on what you are looking for.
Maršruto pabaiga
Catanzaro, Catanzaro, 88100

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