With this ticket, you’ll have the chance to explore the sights of Trento with an audio guide on your smartphone.
After downloading the audio guide to your smartphone, you’ll be able to freely explore the city at a time that fits your itinerary. Along the way, you’ll learn facts about Trento’s ancient streets and alleys, view monuments and learn more about the city’s history.
After completing your tour, you’ll have the opportunity to use the information learned during your journey and play an in-app quiz.
Razones para ir
- Self-guided walking tour of Trento
- Use a smartphone app audio guide
- Explore the landmarks of the city
¿Qué incluye?
- Audio guide
- In-app quiz
- Information on city services
Qué no incluye
- Admission
Idiomas disponibles para audioguía
Información adicional
The audio guide can either be used online with a mobile internet connection or offline by downloading the data before your tour.
The audio guide can be accessed as many times as you like and does not expire.
Earphones are recommended for a better listening experience.
Favor de traer tu boleto contigo a la actividad.
Ten en cuenta que el operador puede cancelar por motivos no previstos.
Necesitas ser mayor de 18 años para reservar.
Gestionado por TravelMate