Etna and Taormina Tour

A tour to explore the volcanic landscapes surrounded by craters, lava flows and ash

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On this tour, you’ll get to discover the two distinct volcanic regions, Etna and Taormina. You’ll begin your journey towards Volcano Etna and stop on the way to explore the Nicolosi village. You’ll learn about Etna’s eruption of 1669 and the resultant damage to the village.

Proceeding from Nicolosi to Rifugio Sapienza at 1900 metres above sea level, you’ll come across a lunar landscape surrounded by lateral craters, lava flows, a basalt mine and mixed native vegetation. You’ll head to Crateri Silvestri at 2000 meters above sea level to see some of the most popular lateral craters around Mt Etna from the eruption of 1892.

Finally, you’ll visit the town of Taormina and get about three hours of free time to visit attractions of your choice, such as Isola Bella, the public Botanic Garden, the Greek Theatre, churches and shops.

Що включено

  • Guide services
  • Pickup and transfers

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Food and drinks
    • Guide services in Taormina
    • Admission to the Greek Theatre


    • Infant seats available

    Здоров'я та безпека

    • Not recommended for visitors with heart problems or serious medical conditions
    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Мови, якими володіє гід

    English (UK)

    Додаткова інформація

    This tour begins at 08:30 and is expected to end back in Catania around 17:30.

    Please note that the duration of transfers are approximate and the actual time taken is subject to change due to local traffic conditions.

    Please note that the tour price does not include admission to the Greek Theatre visited during the tour. Admission tickets will have to be purchased separately.

    Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

    Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

    Щоб забронювати цей варіант дозвілля, вам повинно виповнитися 18 років або ви маєте перебувати в супроводі дорослого.

    Організатор lemontour

    Інформація про маршрут


    Місце посадки у трансфер
    Please note that pickup and transfer service is available from Catania. Please note that the meeting place will be arranged in advance.

    Оцінки відвідувачів

    4,3 · Дуже добре(80 відгуків)
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