Volcanic Vistas & Puffin Paradise ATV Tour

Sýna allar myndir (11)
Ókeypis afpöntun í boði

Eldfell and Puffin, the most famous duo of Vestmannaeyjar.

Vestmannaeyjar is not only known for the volcanic eruption in 1973, because it is also home to the largest puffin colony in the world. Jump on an ATV with us and explore the most famous things Vestmannaeyjar has to offer, volcanic areas and puffins.

There is nothing better than driving ATV around Vestmannaeyjar, breathing fresh Icelandic air while viewing the most beautiful places around Vestmannaeyjar while learning historic and interesting stories from our tour guide.

Þetta er innifalið

  • Gloves
  • Helmets
  • Overalls


Public transportation options are available nearby

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.

Athugaðu að umsjónaraðili afþreyingarinnar gæti aflýst henni af ófyrirsjáanlegum ástæðum.

Þú þarft að vera 18 ára eða eldri til að bóka eða vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.

Rekið af Volcano ATV



Strandvegur 65, Strandvegur 65, Vestmannaeyjabær, 900
2-3 minutes walking from where the ferry Herjólfur docks.
Strandvegur 65, Strandvegur 65, Vestmannaeyjabær, 900

Algengar spurningar

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