Ramappa Temple Tour and Kohinoor Diamond Trail

A guided tour to three temples in the Warangal area

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On this guided tour, you'll trace the history of the famous Koh-i-Noor diamond in the area and visit several ancient temples. Your guide will take you to the UNESCO-listed Ramappa Temple, where you'll get an insight into Kakatiyan culture through the carvings and inscriptions here.

At Bhadrakali Temple, you'll dive into the history of the Koh-i-Noor diamond as you learn about its presence here in the 14th century. Finally, you'll head to the 12th-century Thousand Pillar Temple to see the richly carved pillars and rock-cut icons in the grounds.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Lunch
  • Private transportation
  • Admission fees
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Guide services


  • Public transport links nearby

Veselība un drošība

  • Suitable for all fitness levels

Valodas, kurās runā gids

English (UK)


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Nodrošina 5 Senses Walks

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Please note that pickup is available from hotels in Hyderabad. Please enter your pickup details at checkout.

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