Orchha Khajuraho Tour

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An exciting tour to the enigmatic cenotaphs of Orchha . More enigma is about the white vultures encircling the towering cenotaphs which are not found in any other part of India. Killing vultures are profane since they are considered to be the guardian angels of the cenotaphs dedicated to erstwhile royals ruling over this region. Also enjoy the banks of river betwa flowing adjacent to the cenotaphs.

Khajuraho is popular for its temples and world heritage sites. Visit these popular ancient Temples. Tour lets you explore the world heritage sites which has amazing sculptures and architecture that will mesmerize you and will give a wonderful feeling.

Čo je zahrnuté v cene

  • Overnight stay at the budget hotels with basic western amenities
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Breakfast

Čo nie je zahrnuté?

    Cena nezahŕňa
    • Meals, local guide, monument entrance fees

    Dodatočné informácie

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    We pick right from the Jhansi railway station/Jhansi hotles

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

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    Rezerváciu si môžete vytvoriť, len ak ste už dosiahli vek 18 rokov. Mladšie osoby môžu atrakciu využiť len v sprievode dospelého.

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