Trail of Independence Exploration Game

A chance to play the role of a spy in an outdoor escape game

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This self-guided tour in Tel Aviv will give you the opportunity to discover this Israeli city through an app-based exploration game. You’ll play the ‘Trail of Independence’ game for the chance to re-enact the role of a spy.

During this outdoor escape game, you’ll pass by the White City Mark, the Mosaic Fountain, King Albert Square, the Hall of Independence, the Lederberg House and the Founders Monument.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Downloadable app on your mobile device

Kas nav iekļauts

    Kas nav iekļauts
    • Guide services
    • Admission


    • Accessible to pushchairs/prams
    • Service animals welcome
    • Public transport links nearby

    Veselība un drošība

    • Suitable for all fitness levels


    Please bring a charged phone.

    Open the Questo app and follow the instructions. You must have downloaded the app and created an account first, using the same email you made the purchase with.

    Lūdzu, neaizmirstiet uz aktivitāti paņemt līdzi savu biļeti.

    Ņemiet vērā, ka aktivitātes nodrošinātāji var atcelt aktivitātes neparedzētu iemeslu dēļ.

    Rezervējumu var veikt personas, kas ir sasniegušas 18 gadu vecumu. Nepilngadīgas personas var apmeklēt aktivitāti pieaugušā pavadībā.

    Nodrošina Questo App City Exploration Game

    Informācija par maršrutu

    Atrašanās vieta

    Atiešanas vieta
    Nakhum Guttman Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo
    Arrive at the Mosaic Fountain (game starting point).
    Ekskursijas beigu punkts
    WhiteCity Investments, Nachmani St 26, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 65794

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