Mount Bromo and Madakaripura Waterfall Tour

A guided tour exploring the region's natural landmarks

5 · Відмінно(69 відгуків)
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Тривалість: 16 год. 30 хв.

On this tour, you'll have the chance to explore the 200-metre Madakaripura Waterfall and watch the sunrise over Mount Bromo from Mount Penanjakan.

You'll start your tour with a late night or early morning pickup, travelling directly to Mount Penanjakan. After taking a position on the mountain, you'll be able to watch as the sun rises over the nearby Mount Bromo, an active volcano. You'll then head back down the mountain, where with luck, you'll see a rainbow over the sea near the area's black sand and cliffs.

You'll have the opportunity to enjoy a coffee before travelling through Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park to the Madakaripura Waterfall. You'll be able to view the 200-metre-high waterfall and surrounding scenery from the valley walkway, along with the chance to spot some of the area's gibbons.

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English (UK)
Simplified Chinese

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Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

Щоб забронювати, вам повинно бути 18 років або більше.

Організатор Klook


Mount Bromo and Madakaripura Waterfall Tour

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5 · Відмінно(69 відгуків)
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