Sulawesi Nani Wartabone National Park Tour

Rādīt visas fotogrāfijas (8)

Spent two days in Nani Wartabone National Park with hotel pick up from Manado. This protected forest turned into National Park for maintaining habitats and to contribute to wildlife conservation. Stay overnight in homestay, and the next day you will start the morning tour to visit the wildlife conservation. One of the highlights of this North Sulawesi wildlife tour is witnessing some endemic Sulawesi wildlife like the anoa, babirusa, maleo birds, bear cuscus, and the endangered tarsius in its native habitat. Further, there are beautiful big trees, fern plant, and moss that you’ll discover.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Ranger fee
  • Dinner
  • 1 night overnight in a homestay (based on sharing room)
  • Breakfast
  • Transportation service (only cover Manado City area)

Kas nav iekļauts

    Kas nav iekļauts
    • Personal expenses (extra meals, shopping, etc)
    • Personal traveler’s insurance
    • Tip
    • Documentation


    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    We pick up from any hotel in Manado city area

    Not wheelchair accessible

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