Private Sulawesi Trekking Mount Mahawu & Lokon from Manado

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Mount Mahawu and Mount Locon become the most popular spot for easy trekking and the paths generally easy to follow. It takes around an hour drive from Manado. After 10 minutes trekking from the starting point of Mahawu Mountain, you will be gazing down over a gorgeous view of the mountains and valleys. There are great views (to the west) towards Mount Lokon and Mount Empung.

Then, move to Lokon Mount 11 km away from Mahawu. Lokon has an active crater located on the saddle between the two peaks of Lokon and Empung Mountain. You need a proper trekking shoes to trek to the crater, as the igneous rock trail formed by cooled lava can be slippery.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Hotel pick up and drop off service (only cover Manado City area)
  • Trekking Guide

Kas nav iekļauts

    Kas nav iekļauts
    • Personal expense (meals, shopping, etc)
    • Personal traveler’s insurance
    • Tip
    • Documentation

    Valodas, kurās runā gids

    English (UK)


    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    We pick up from any hotel in Manado city area

    Not wheelchair accessible

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