Borobudur Temple and Candirejo Village Tour with Dokar or Cycling

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Visit Buddhist Temple the largest in the world and discover the incredible history behind its construction.

Candirejo Village is located in the Borobudur District, about 3 kilometers southeast of Borobudur Temple. The village is set amidst lush green fields and tropical rain forests, and populated with friendly people. Candirejo is said to be a symbol of Javanese culture where visitors can experience and participate in a variety of cultural attractions and activities.

The word Candirejo is a combination of two Javanese words: Candi and Rejo. Candi means temple, but it can also mean stone, and Candirejo happens to be quite a stony area. The word Rejo means fertile, so when put together, Candirejo got its name as the land that was full of stones, but yet remained fertile.

Zahrnuto v ceně

  • Private transportation
  • Bottled water
  • Entrance Ticket for Candi Rejo, Dokar or cycling
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Use of bicycle

Co není zahrnuto v ceně

    Cena nezahrnuje
    • Travel Insurance
    • Lunch
    • Gratuities
    • Borobudur entrance ticket

    Dodatečné informace

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Lobby Hotel or Arrival gate

    Not wheelchair accessible

    K návštěvě turistické atrakce si nezapomeňte přinést lístek.

    Mějte na paměti, že provozovatelé mohou konání zrušit z důvodu nepředvídaných okolností.

    Turistickou atrakci smí rezervovat pouze osoby ve věku 18 let a starší. Zúčastnit se mohou i mladší osoby, ale pouze v doprovodu dospělého.

    Provozováno společností Triptrik



    Místo odjezdu
    Jalan Malioboro, Jl. Malioboro, Jogja
    Lobby Hotel or Arrival gate
    Jalan Malioboro, Jl. Malioboro, Jogja

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