Game of Thrones Tour

Dubrovnik through the lens of the hit TV show, visiting key filming locations

4,9 · Výnimočné(557 hodnotení)
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On this two-hour tour, you’ll explore key sights in Dubrovnik and visit many locations where scenes from Game of Thrones were filmed. You’ll begin in the Old Town, looking at former sets from seasons two and three, like the scene where King Joffrey and the royal procession are jeered at by starving crowds and a riot ensues.

You’ll visit the beach where the royal entourage saw off Princess Myrcella and you’ll stop at a pier that doubled for Blackwater Bay and was used in the wildfire scenes. A key stop will be Fort St Lawrence, where both the exterior and interior were frequently used as the Red Keep, including during scenes of the Purple Wedding. Your tour will end at one of the most popular photo spots – the site where Cersei was made to undergo the Walk of Shame.

Dôvody na návštevu

  • See the spots where King's Landing scenes were filmed
  • Hear behind-the-scenes information and juicy stories
  • View Fort St Lawrence which stood in for the Red Keep

Čo je zahrnuté v cene

  • Guide services
  • Iron Throne photo opportunity

Čo nie je zahrnuté?

    Cena nezahŕňa
    • Hotel pickup and drop-off
    • Admission to St Lawrence Fortress (approx. EUR 15)


    • Service animals welcome
    • Public transport links nearby

    Zdravie a bezpečnosť

    • Not recommended for pregnant visitors
    • Not recommended for visitors with back problems
    • Not recommended for visitors with heart problems or serious medical conditions
    • Suitable for all fitness levels


    • Comfortable footwear is recommended.

    Sprievodca hovorí týmito jazykmi

    English (UK)

    Dodatočné informácie

    Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

    Upozorňujeme, že prevádzkovatelia môžu konanie zrušiť z dôvodu nepredvídaných okolností.

    Rezerváciu si môžete vytvoriť, len ak ste už dosiahli vek 18 rokov. Mladšie osoby môžu atrakciu využiť len v sprievode dospelého.

    Prevádzkované spoločnosťou Dubrovnik Walking Tours



    Miesto odchodu
    Large Onofrio's Fountain, Poljana Paska Miličevića 2000, Dubrovnik, 20000
    Meet your guide next to the fountain. Your guide will be holding a red umbrella.
    Miesto ukončenia prehliadky
    Stradun, Dubrovnik, 20000

    Hodnotenia návštevníkov

    4,9 · Výnimočné(557 hodnotení)
    Celkový zážitok
    Kvalita služieb

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