On this two-hour guided walking tour, you will explore Dubrovnik Old Town, with its thick walls, paved streets and squares, and historical landmarks. Your guide will show you around and lead you to the city’s most important monuments. You will get to see Onofrio's fountains, the Franciscan Church and Monastery, Saint Blaise’s Church, Orlando's Column, the Sponza Palace and the Rector’s Palace, among others. As you view these sights, you will hear interesting information about them and the city.
Razones para ir
- Insights into the history and culture of Dubrovnik
- A chance to get to know the old town and its sights
- A visit to the Bell Tower, St Blaise’s Church and more
¿Qué incluye?
- Guide services
Qué no incluye
- Tips
- Hotel pickup and drop-off
- Food and drinks
- Accessible to pushchairs/prams
Salud y seguridad
- Suitable for all fitness levels
Idiomas hablados por el guía
Información adicional
Please follow local COVID-19 restrictions.
Favor de traer tu boleto contigo a la actividad.
Ten en cuenta que el operador puede cancelar por motivos no previstos.
Para reservar necesitas tener mínimo 18 años o ser acompañado por un adulto.
Gestionado por Elite Travel