Admission to Dover Castle

A ticket to see one of England's oldest and largest castles

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With this ticket, you'll get the opportunity to experience Dover Castle, a medieval fortress that was founded during the 11th century. During your visit, you'll be able to learn more about the monument's long history as a defensive stronghold as you visit its underground wartime tunnels. You'll also have a chance to take in sweeping views of the English Channel from the castle grounds.


  • Wheelchair accessible

Dodatočné informácie

Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

Upozorňujeme, že prevádzkovatelia môžu konanie zrušiť z dôvodu nepredvídaných okolností.

Rezerváciu si môžete vytvoriť, len ak ste už dosiahli vek 18 rokov. Mladšie osoby môžu atrakciu využiť len v sprievode dospelého.

Prevádzkované spoločnosťou Klook


Admission to Dover Castle
Castle Hill Rd., Dover , London, CT16 1HU

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