Falmouth Uncovered Walking Tour (Award Winning)

4,8 · Izjemno(27 ocen)
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An award-winning storytelling tour that connects visitors to the Falmouth of centuries past. With passion, imagination and an eye for the funny side of things, we tell tales that transform our guests' experience of this wonderfully unique town.

Kaj je vključeno

  • Activity sheets for children
  • Easily accessible for cruise ship visitors

Jeziki, ki jih govori vodič/-ka

English (UK)

Dodatne informacije

Service animals allowed

Public transportation options are available nearby

Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

Not wheelchair accessible

Svojo vstopnico imejte s sabo ob obisku znamenitosti.

Načrt poti


Lokacija odhoda
Grove Place Toilets, Falmouth, TR11 4AU
This is very convenient for cruise ship visitors. When you disembark at the docks there will be a free shuttle bus into town. When you get off the bus you'll see a granite pyramid in a little park — walk around that and you'll seeing the tour meeting point directly ahead of you
Kraj povratka
Prince of Wales Pier, Prince of Wales Pier, Falmouth, TR11 3DF

Ocene obiskovalcev

4,8 · Izjemno(27 ocen)
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