Inner Farne National Trust Bird Sanctuary - 3 hr trip to the Farne Islands

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Cal recollir els tiquets

One of the very few accessible bird colonies in the UK.

Expert commentary on board by current Trinity House Lighthouse Attendant.

Small, family-run company that has extensive experience touring around all of the Farne Islands.

Què inclou?

  • Expert, unique commentary.

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • No food or beverages are included. Free landing for National Trust Members only.
    • Inner Farne entry - Adult (£13), Child (£6.50), Family (£32.50) Family w/ 1 adult (£19.50)

    Informació addicional

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

    Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

    Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

    Gestionat per Golden Gate Farne Islands Boat Trips

    Informació de l'itinerari


    Punt de recollida dels tiquets
    Golden Gate Farne Islands Boat Trips, Harbour, Seahouses, NE68 7RN
    Punt de sortida
    Golden Gate Farne Islands Boat Trips, Harbour, Seahouses, NE68 7RN
    Please meet outside the booking office which is NAVY at the BOTTOM, WHITE at the TOP with a GOLD band around the MIDDLE at least 30 minutes before departure.
    Punt d'arribada
    Golden Gate Farne Islands Boat Trips, Harbour, Seahouses, NE68 7RN

    Valoracions dels clients

    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    Preguntes freqüents

    Vols fer un suggeriment?

    Tiquets i preus