City Scavenger Hunt Excursion

A self-guided walking tour to explore Colchester by means of a fun smartphone game

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With this activity, you will go on a scavenger hunt around Colchester. You will play a game on your mobile device, where you will be tasked with finding several objects around the city. Each object corresponds to a certain number of points, and you can earn extra points by taking up challenges. A remote host will be available via chat to offer support in case you need any assistance. This game will take about two hours to complete.

Kaj je vključeno

  • Access to a remote interactive guide
  • Colchester scavenger game
  • Downloadable app on your mobile device

Kaj ni vključeno

    Kaj ni vključeno
    • Smartphone
    • Private transportation


    • Accessible to pushchairs/prams
    • Service animals welcome
    • Public transport links nearby

    Zdravje in varnost

    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Dodatne informacije

    Operation City Quest is a digital scavenger hunt played using an app on your smartphone.

    You can start the game any time between Tuesday and Sunday, from 14:00 to 22:00.

    Svojo vstopnico imejte s sabo ob obisku znamenitosti.

    Upoštevajte, da lahko ponudnik vaš obisk odpove v primeru nepredvidenih okoliščin.

    Za opravljanje rezervacije morate biti stari najmanj 18 let, znamenitost pa lahko mladoletniki obiščejo v spremstvu odrasle osebe.

    Upravljavec Operation City Quest Scavenger Hunts


    Lokacija odhoda
    Culver Square Shopping Centre, Colchester, CO1 1WG
    Before your game, you will receive a message with instructions on how to start.
    Kraj povratka
    Culver Square Shopping Centre, Colchester, CO1 1WG

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