Canyoning in Ecouges 2 in Vercors

An experience of adventure activities in the canyon

사진 9장 모두 보기
무료 취소 가능

On this tour, you can take part in the adventure activity and descent course in the Canyon des Ecouges 2 - located in Vercors. After a brief introduction and equipped with safety equipment - helmet, harness and combination, you will make a short walk to the starting point and start your descent down the waterfalls for up to 28 meters. You will get a chance to indulge in slides, jump in the basin along the journey and see trout in the waters. The lush forest around make for a peaceful setting in this canyon.


  • Canyoning equipment

포함되지 않은 사항

    포함되지 않은 사항
    • Footwear, bottle and swimsuit

    보건 & 안전

    • Not recommended for pregnant visitors
    • Not recommended for visitors with back problems
    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    가이드 지원 언어

    English (UK)

    추가 정보

    티켓을 투어/액티비티에 반드시 지참해 주세요.

    투어/액티비티는 예기치 못한 사유로 운영 측에 의해 취소될 수 있습니다.

    예약자는 만 18세 이상이어야 하며, 만 18세 미만인 고객은 성인이 동반해야 투어/액티비티에 참여할 수 있습니다.

    운영 Atmosphère Canyon


    집합 장소
    49 Chemin de la Marguerite, Saint-Gervais, 38470
    Please park in the church's car park, located in the heart of the village.

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