Full-day Sidecar Tour

Full-day tour around the Loire Valley to see landmarks from a vintage sidecar

Mulighet for gratis avbestilling
Varighet: 7 timer

On this full-day tour, you'll have the chance to explore the Loire Valley in a vintage sidecar. Along the way, you'll hear about the history of the area from your expert guide.

You'll be able to choose between either a full tour or a wine tour. On the full tour, you'll visit Montlouis, Tours, Villandry, Langeais, Rigny-Ussé, Cande Saint-Martin, Chinon, Azay-le-Rideau, Saché and Chenonceaux. On the wine tour, you'll see Vouvray, Tours, Saint-Nicolas de Bourgueil, Chinon and Azay-le-Rideau.

Grunner til å besøke attraksjonen

  • Chance to visit castles and wineries in the Loire Valley
  • Opportunity to see landmarks while riding in a sidecar
  • Insights into the area's history from your expert guide


  • Guide services
  • Sidecar ride
  • Customisable tour
  • Admission to sites


  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the activity starts.

Guiden snakker følgende språk

English (UK)

Øvrig informasjon

Choose between a full trip or wine tour on the day of the tour.

Please select how many sidecars you'd like to book at checkout. You can book up to two passengers at once.

Husk å ta med deg billetten til attraksjonen.

Merk at arrangører kan avlyse av uforutsette årsaker.

Du må ha fylt 18 år for å kunne booke.



Quai du Général de Gaulle, Amboise, 37400
Meet your guide at the Office de Tourisme Amboise Val de Loire. Please arrive at least ten minutes before the tour begins.

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