Guided hike in the Calanques National Park

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This amazing hike in the Calanques National Park of Marseille allows both to learn more about the place and to marvel at this natural environment but it is also the meeting of people from places and cultures of the world. entire . It is a real moment of sharing in kindness and conviviality. Your guide is a professional in outdoor activities, he will be able, with passion, to accompany you to experience authentic moments in this natural place. Being a resident and native of Marseille, he can also tell you about what characterizes this cosmopolitan city with many facets.

Що включено

  • We are preparing a picnic with regional products so that you can taste the flavors of Provence :-)

Додаткова інформація

Not recommended for pregnant travelers

Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health

Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

Not wheelchair accessible

Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.


Пункт відправлення
Luminy PN des Calanques, Marseille, 13009
Meet at the B1 bus stop - Luminy PN des Calanques. This bus leaves from the Castellane metro in the center of Marseille.
Місце закінчення
Luminy PN des Calanques, Marseille, 13009

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4,7 · Відмінно(16 відгуків)
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