Lavender Fields Tour

A visit to a family-owned lavender farm in the picturesque Plateau de Valensole

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Trajanje: 4 ure

This scenic drive to Plateau de Valensole will give you the chance to see lavender fields in full bloom.

You’ll visit a family-owned lavender farm, where you’ll get to learn more about the flower's cultivation process from one of its producers. You’ll also discover how lavender is distilled into essential oil and learn about its therapeutic properties.

Along the way, there will be opportunities to stop and look out over the lavender fields to see why the plant is sometimes called the ‘Blue Gold' of Provence.

Zakaj obiskati

  • Scenic countryside drive to the lavender fields
  • Insight into the cultivation process from a farmer
  • Stops at viewpoints overlooking the rolling fields

Kaj je vključeno

  • Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle
  • Guide services

Kaj ni vključeno

    Kaj ni vključeno
    • Food and drinks (unless specified)
    • Personal expenses
    • Tips (optional)


    • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the activity starts.

    Jeziki, ki jih govori vodič/-ka

    English (UK)

    Dodatne informacije

    Svojo vstopnico imejte s sabo ob obisku znamenitosti.

    Upoštevajte, da lahko ponudnik vaš obisk odpove v primeru nepredvidenih okoliščin.

    Za opravljanje rezervacije morate biti stari najmanj 18 let, znamenitost pa lahko mladoletniki obiščejo v spremstvu odrasle osebe.



    Zbirno mesto
    Tourist Office, 300 Av. Giuseppe Verdi, Aix en Provence, 13100
    Meet your driver-guide in front of the tourist office.

    Ocene obiskovalcev

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