White Water Rafting Experience on the Kuusaa River

An adventurous white water rafting experience with an expert guide

Durada: 1 hora

On this guided white water rafting experience, you will navigate the fast rapids of the foaming Kuusaa River in a rubber boat surrounded by picturesque natural landscapes.

Your adventure begins in the scenic waters by the Varjola Resort situated a 30-minute drive from Jyväskylä city. After shooting the rapids downstream, you will travel back to the shore by boat channel.

Per què anar-hi?

  • Shoot the rapids of the picturesque Kuusaa River
  • Insights on rafting from a professional expert guide
  • See beautiful natural scenery surrounding the river

Què inclou?

  • Guide services
  • Rafting equipment

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • Food and drinks

    Idiomes que parla el guia

    English (UK)

    Informació addicional

    The minimum age to participate in this tour is 18 years.

    This tour is not suitable for visitors with reduced mobility.

    Please wear suitable outdoor clothing.

    Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

    Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

    Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

    Gestionat per Varjolan Tilan Matkailu Oy


    Punt de trobada
    51 Vilppulantie, Jyväskylä, 41370
    Meet your guide at the listed address. Please arrive at the meeting point 15 minutes before your tour starts.

    Valoracions dels clients

    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    Preguntes freqüents

    Vols fer un suggeriment?

    Tiquets i preus