Barcelona Aquàrium Priority Admission

Tanks showcasing the colourful and diverse marine fauna of the Mediterranean region

4,3 · Mjög gott(854 umsagnir)
Sýna allar myndir (5)
Ókeypis afpöntun í boði

Mainly focussing on the Mediterranean Sea, the Barcelona Aquàrium will bring you closer to the underwater world. Around 35 tanks and two permanent exhibitions offer insights into the marine fauna and the importance of water on earth.

You'll get the opportunity to see around 450 fish and coral species from tropical and subtropical seas. One of the highlights is the Oceanarium, a large tank with sharks, stingrays, sunfish and more. Thanks to an 80 metre-long tunnel, you'll be able to see its inhabitants from up close.

At an interactive exhibition, youngsters can learn more about oceans and marine life.

Kostir við staðinn

  • Reduced waiting time at the aquarium's entrance
  • Opportunity to see about 11,000 marine specimens
  • Observation tunnel that contains sharks and rays

Þetta er innifalið

  • Admission


Children aged 0–2 years can enter for free.

The aquarium is open accordingly to the following schedule:

March–April: Monday–Friday from 10:00 to 19:00, weekends and holidays from 10:00 to 20:00

May: Daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.


Barcelona Aquàrium Priority Admission
Barcelona Aquarium: Moll d'Espanya, Port Vell, Barcelona, 08039


4,3 · Mjög gott(854 umsagnir)
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