The best of Pärnu walking tour

Hiển thị tất cả 6 hình ảnh
Có lựa chọn hủy miễn phí

Together with the professional guide, you will visit the most charming places in the city. What makes Pärnu suitable to be your next summer holiday? Is it true that the city is Estonia’s capital of the country’s summer festival? You will have a chance to explore the city, while hearing fascinating facts and legends. Which beautiful beach borders Pärnu? When was the first resort built in the city? You will be surprised how many stories are hidden in the streets, buildings and corners of Pärnu. Your charming guide will tell you what is special and unique about living in this city. Perfect for those who are visiting the city for the first time and want to get the most of it!

Bao gồm

  • Local Professional Guide

Thông tin thêm

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Public transportation options are available nearby

Not wheelchair accessible

Vui lòng mang theo vé đến điểm tham quan.

Lưu ý rằng nhà cung cấp có thể hủy vì những lý do không biết trước.

Bạn cần phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên để đặt chỗ.

Điều hành bởi Estonia

Thông tin hành trình

Vị trí

Điểm khởi hành
Pärnu Museum, Aida 3, Pärnu, 80010
By the main entrance of the Museum
Điểm kết thúc
Pärnu Museum, Aida 3, Pärnu, 80010

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