Double-decker Bus Tour

A sightseeing tour passing some of the capital's most significant attractions

Sýna allar myndir (4)
Lengd: 1 klst.

During this one-hour tour, you'll ride a double-decker bus through the streets of Sofia, passing important landmarks and learning about the city. You'll have a knowledgeable guide on board with you as well as access to an audio guide. Some of the highlights along your route will include the Church of St. Nicholas the Miracle-Maker, Ivan Vazov National Theater, the Regional History Museum Sofia, Sofia Synagogue, Banya Bashi Mosque and the Amphitheater of Serdica.

Þetta er innifalið

  • One-hour tour
  • Guide services in English
  • Audio guide

Þetta er ekki innifalið

    Þetta er ekki innifalið
    • Hop on and off function
    • Insurance
    • Tips
    • Hotel pickup and drop-off


    • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the activity starts.


    Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.

    Athugaðu að umsjónaraðili afþreyingarinnar gæti aflýst henni af ófyrirsjáanlegum ástæðum.

    Þú þarft að vera 18 ára eða eldri til að bóka eða vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.

    Rekið af Klook

    Það sem þú þarft að vita

    This tour is not suitable for wheelchair users.

    The audio guide is available in English, French, German, Italian and Russian.

    The tour runs from 12:00–13:00.

    Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the departure time.

    Please note that the tour price does not include admission to any attractions.


    Double-decker Bus Tour
    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral: pl. "Sveti Aleksandar Nevski", 1000 , Sofia City

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