Guided ATV Tour to the Playa el Limón

An adventure on board a four-wheel-drive all-terrain vehicle near the town of Miches

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On this ATV tour around the Playa El Limón, you'll go on an adventure on board a four-wheel-drive all-terrain vehicle near the town of Miches. During the tour, you'll head off the main road to take in the blend of nature and local cultures.

Additionally, you'll catch a glimpse of the area's landscapes and mountains. You'll also follow a tour guide through a coconut jungle and travel through palm trees to reach the Playa El Limón. While here, you'll get a chance to go swimming.

Що включено

  • Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle
  • ATV and helmet

Здоров'я та безпека

  • Not recommended for pregnant visitors
  • Not recommended for visitors with back problems
  • Not recommended for visitors with heart problems or serious medical conditions
  • Requires a moderate level of physical fitness

Додаткова інформація

Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

Щоб забронювати, вам повинно бути 18 років або більше.

Організатор Hoyo Azul Excursions


Місце посадки у трансфер
Please note that complimentary pickup and drop-off services are available from accommodations and hotels in the Bávaro area. Please share your pickup details at checkout. Please note that hotel pickup will commence 60 minutes before the scheduled tour time. Please contact the tour provider to arrange your pickup details.

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