Romantic Magic in Aarhus – Walking Tour

Hiển thị tất cả 9 hình ảnh
Có lựa chọn hủy miễn phí

Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark and the unofficial capital of Jutland, is considered the main attraction point for tourists. Indeed, the “City of Smiles,” as it is called, or the “City of Coffee Bars” has something to offer in all directions. Numerous tourists chose Aarhus because of its cognitive capabilities, as well as interesting and fascinating sights. Some travelers come here to see firsthand the famous complex of churches located one above the other and nicknamed “Russian nesting doll”. Together with our guide, you will walk through one of the most romantic places and hear a lot of touching stories. Stroll Latin Square, the oldest part of Aarhus and discover unique landmarks. Explore and witness charming colorful houses and bond with vibrant atmosphere at Mollestein. Enjoy the refreshing riverside Vadesteded and gaze upon centuries-old heritage. End the journey at one of the most awe-inspiring cathedrals in Europe, which happens to be over 800 years old.

Bao gồm

  • Local Professional Guide

Thông tin thêm

Public transportation options are available nearby

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

Vui lòng mang theo vé đến điểm tham quan.

Lưu ý rằng nhà cung cấp có thể hủy vì những lý do không biết trước.

Bạn cần phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên để đặt chỗ.

Điều hành bởi Denmark

Thông tin hành trình

Vị trí

Điểm khởi hành
Art Gallery PS, Mejlgade 16B, Aarhus Centrum, Aarhus, 8000
By the main entrance of PS Art Gallery.
Điểm kết thúc
Aarhus Cathedral, Store Torv, Aarhus Centrum, Aarhus, 8000

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