Trial Windsurfing Course

A three–hour windsurfing course in Zingst

During this three–hour windsurf taster course you’ll discover whether windsurfing is for you. During this trial your professional instructor will take you through a beginner-friendly windsurfing experience, in which you’ll learn all the proper techniques and become familiar with the materials needed to take up the sport of windsurfing. As the beginning of a three–day basic windsurf course, this trial on the Baltic Sea will be the perfect way for you to get a taste of what’s in store.

Защо да посетите

  • Chance to try out windsurfing on the Baltic Sea
  • Insight from licensed teachers
  • Opportunity to glide over the water with ease

Какво е включено?

  • Wetsuit
  • Windsurfing material
  • Instructors

Езици, говорени от екскурзовода


Допълнителна информация

The minimum age for this course is six years.

It is recommended to bring your bathing suit, towel and neoprene shoes.

Please be there in time for the start of the course, as late arrivals will lead to exclusion.

Не забравяйте билета си за атракцията.

Обърнете внимание, че операторът може да анулира събитието поради непредвидени обстоятелства.

Трябва да сте на поне 18-годишна възраст или да ви придружава възрастен.

Управлявано от Windsurfen


Trial Windsurfing Course
Sports beach, beach crossing 6, Surfing School Zingst, Zingst, 18374

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