City Tour Joao Pessoa From Natal

Sýna allar myndir (9)
Ókeypis afpöntun í boði

João Pessoa, capital of Paraiba, is the third oldest city in Brazil, known as the city where the sun rises first, because Ponta do Seixas is the easternmost point of the Americas.

The tour to João Pessoa goes through the main historical sights of the city, stopping at São Francisco Museum and Church, buildings protected by the Iphan (Institute of National Artistic and Historical Heritage), for representing an important legacy of the baroque architecture and art in Brazil in the eighteenth century, then you will pass by Praça João Pessoa, Parque Sólon de Lucena and lighthouse of Cabo Branco where you can see the Ponta do Seixas.

After the lunch stop we will visit Jacaré beach where a boat ride can be hired (optional) to enjoy the sunset with Ravel's famous Bolero and there are also handcraft stores.

The distance between Natal and João Pessoa is 180km, and it takes around 2 hours to get there, with a stop on the way to go to the toilet or buy some snacks.

Þetta er innifalið

  • Transfer IN/OUT From Hotels
  • Bilingual Guide

Þetta er ekki innifalið

    Þetta er ekki innifalið
    • Sunset Boat Tour
    • Foods and Beverages
    • Entrance ticket to São Francisco Church


    Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Not wheelchair accessible

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