Jervis Bay Guided Cruise Experience

A cruise ride while taking in beach, cliff and cave views

٤٫٦ · رائع(5 تقييمات)
عرض جميع الصور (8)
يتوفر خيار الإلغاء المجاني
المدة: ساعتان

This cruise through Jervis Bay will give you the chance to experience the natural beauty of picturesque beaches.

As you cruise the turquoise waters of Jervis Bay, you will be able to admire the cliffs and caves and learn about the bay’s history through commentary. You will also have the opportunity to admire the the Jervis Bay Marine Park, the towering cliffs of Point Perpendicular and the protected lagoon of Honeymoon Bay. You may also spot the local wildlife including dolphins, sandpipers and more.

أسباب الزيارة

  • Experience the beautiful beaches with white sands
  • Chance to admire the cliffs and caves of Jervis Bay
  • Learn about the bay's history through commentary

يشمل الحجز

  • Live commentary onboard
  • Guide

اللغات التي يتحدث بها المرشد السياحي

English (UK)

معلومات إضافية

Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.

Routes may vary at the discretion of the skippers due to wind and sea conditions.

Please note that cruise timings may change due to tide issues for the vessel Port Venture.

This tour cannot accommodate pregnant visitors who are past their sixth month (24 weeks) of pregnancy.

It is advised that visitors who may experience motion sickness visit their pharmacy before boarding.

الموقع الجغرافي

موقع المغادرة
15 Field St, Huskisson, Jervis Bay, NSW 2540
Please collect your boarding pass 30 minutes before the departure from the service desk at the Portside café.

تقييم المستخدمين

٤٫٦ · رائع(5 تقييمات)
ذو قيمة جيدة
جودة الخدمة
إمكانية الوصول بسهولة

الأسئلة المتكررة

هل ترغب في تقديم اقتراح ما؟

التذاكر والأسعار