Blue Mountains Hop-on Hop-off Tour

A tour to explore the mountain range with an optional Scenic World rides upgrade

4,4 · Skvelé(18 hodnotení)
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This ticket will allow you to explore the breathtaking Blue Mountains of Australia at your own pace.

On board a hop-on hop-off bus, you’ll have an opportunity to appreciate the views of the UNESCO World Heritage Area while listening to live commentary from a friendly driver-guide. You can hop on and off at 37 stops and see huge waterfalls, ancient rainforests and many other highlights of the mountain kingdom.

The ticket comes with a 72-page guidebook with maps, discounts and bush-walking information. You can also opt for the Scenic World rides upgrade, which will allow you to access the Southern Hemisphere’s steepest aerial cablecar.

Čo je zahrnuté v cene

  • Hop-on, hop-off tour
  • Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle
  • Discounts in local accommodations, activities, shopping and dining
  • Guidebook with information, maps and bush-walking guide
  • Information sheets

Čo nie je zahrnuté?

    Cena nezahŕňa
    • Hotel pickup and drop-off


    • Transport is wheelchair accessible
    • Wheelchair accessible
    • Accessible to pushchairs/prams
    • Service animals welcome
    • Public transport links nearby

    Zdravie a bezpečnosť

    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Sprievodca hovorí týmito jazykmi

    English (UK)

    Dodatočné informácie

    The Blue Mountains hop-on hop-off tour can be validated for three consecutive days from the first time of use if you are staying in the Blue Mountains.

    Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

    Upozorňujeme, že prevádzkovatelia môžu konanie zrušiť z dôvodu nepredvídaných okolností.

    Rezerváciu si môžete vytvoriť, len ak ste už dosiahli vek 18 rokov. Mladšie osoby môžu atrakciu využiť len v sprievode dospelého.

    Prevádzkované spoločnosťou Blue Mountains Explorer Bus


    Miesto vyzdvihnutia lístkov
    283 Bathurst Road, Katoomba, NSW 2780
    Please redeem your ticket in the booking office at the top of the railway station steps in Katoomba, at the listed address.

    Hodnotenia návštevníkov

    4,4 · Skvelé(18 hodnotení)
    Celkový zážitok
    Kvalita služieb

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