Admission to Fighter World Museum

A visit to explore the Australian fighter planes and more

4,4 · Fabulós(34 valoracions)
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Cancel·lació gratis disponible

This tour will give you a chance to visit Fighter World Museum and touch and view some of the iconic aircrafts of Australia. You can sit in the cockpit of a real Mirage jet fighter and a Macchi jet trainer for a unique experience. Here, you will discover the Norm Forrester Collection, one of Australia’s finest hand-built model aircraft, different weapons, radars and more. There are interactive kiosks with selectable content as well as free WiFi available inside. You can also go to the Observation Deck and watch some of the world’s most advanced aircraft take-off and land. For light meals, there is a café inside and a souvenir shop to buy unique items.

Què inclou?

  • Free parking

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • Round-trip transportation
    • Food and drinks


    • Transport is wheelchair accessible
    • Wheelchair accessible
    • Surfaces are wheelchair accessible
    • Service animals welcome

    Salut i seguretat

    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Informació addicional

    Please note that the museum is open from 10:00-16:00 everyday.

    Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

    Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

    Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

    Gestionat per Fighter World Inc

    Informació de l'itinerari


    Admission to Fighter World Museum
    Fighter World, 49 Medowie Rd, Williamtown New South Wales, 2318

    Valoracions dels clients

    4,4 · Fabulós(34 valoracions)
    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    El que ha agradat més als clients

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