Joyful Family Walking Tour in Linz

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Embark on a fascinating two-hour family walking tour in Linz and explore the city’s historical and cultural treasures. Begin in front of the magnificent Linzer Mariendom, a stunning cathedral renowned for its beautiful architecture. Stroll along the charming Landstraße, a vibrant shopping street filled with shops and cafes, before discovering the Ursuline Church and the historic Alter Dom – Ignatiuskirche. Continue your journey to Hauptplatz, the main square of Linz, where you can admire the impressive architecture and soak in the lively atmosphere. Make your way to the majestic Linz Castle, perched on a hill, and delve into the city’s past as you explore the fascinating exhibits at the Schlossmuseum Linz. Conclude your tour with a visit to the Martinskirche and the picturesque Landhaus, immersing your family in the rich history and culture of Linz.

Què inclou?

  • Local Professional Guide

Informació addicional

Public transportation options are available nearby

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

Gestionat per Austria

Informació de l'itinerari


Punt de sortida
Linzer Mariendom, Herrenstraße 26, Innenstadt, Linz, 4020
We will meet in front of Linzer Mariendom. The guide will be waiting for you at the given time.
Punt d'arribada
Landhaus - Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung, Landhausplatz 1, Innenstadt, Linz, 4020
The tour will end at Landhaus.

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