Walking Tour “Love Stories of Shkodra” For Couples

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Are you ready to fall in love with Shkodra? Take a romantic walking tour for couples around Shkodra! Together with the professional local guide, you will visit the most romantic places in the city such as a Viewpoint overlooking Rozafa Castle and the city. You will be amazed by historic landmarks and incredible views. Where can you take lovely photos with your loved one? Along the way, you will have the chance to stop and take in the vibrant atmosphere. This tour is a perfect way to make unique memories with your partner.

Čo je zahrnuté v cene

  • Local Professional Guide

Dodatočné informácie

Public transportation options are available nearby

Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Not wheelchair accessible

Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

Upozorňujeme, že prevádzkovatelia môžu konanie zrušiť z dôvodu nepredvídaných okolností.

Minimálny požadovaný vek na vytvorenie rezervácie je 18 rokov.

Prevádzkované spoločnosťou Opatrip.com Albania



Miesto odchodu
Rozafa Castle, Rruga Rozafa, Shkodër
Meet the guide at the entrance to the castle
Miesto ukončenia prehliadky
Ura e Bahçallëkut, E851, Bahçallëk
The tour will end at the Ura E Bahçallëkut bridge

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